Adelaide Gastro Endoscopic Surveillance Program


What is this program?

In some situations, our doctors will recommend a further surveillance procedure following your initial procedure. This usually applies to patients who have had polyps identified at their colonoscopy or who have a significant family history of bowel cancer. Another situation is patients who have a history of gastroesophageal reflux and have had a precancerous lesion (Barrett’s oesophagus) identified at their endoscopy.


How does the program work?

When a polyp, family history or Barrett’s oesophagus is identified our doctors will review your case with the current evidence-based guidelines and then make a recommendation to you. You and your General Practitioner will receive this recommendation letter after your procedure, detailing the appropriate time interval for your next procedure. You will remain on our recall system and be recalled at that time interval either to discuss the procedure or for a direct access procedure if appropriate.